Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Vegetable Unit

Its been forever since I have been able to blog. I dropped my camera & haven't bought a new one yet. SO, I don't get to take pictures of all the fun stuff we've been doing.  I wanted to share our science project we did today. 
Our letter of the week is V and we are learning about vegetables.  I found this neat science project with celery.  Fill 2  clear glasses of water 3/4 full and add food coloring to each glass.  Cut the celery stalk up the middle and put each end in separate glasses.  After an hr. the leaves of the celery will turn the same color of the food coloring. 

We read this book to go along with our Vegetable lesson.  
where does my food go?
 Fun printables to go along with this weeks theme can be found over at:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Letter "E" & "F"

 This week I included  printable worksheets from Confessions Of a Home Schooler into the curriculum.  On her website you can download lowercase and uppercase letters. I chose to laminate them so we can use them over and over again.   The kids love to use the letters to make words and practice spelling their names. 

Who doesn't like to paint.  Painting is a big hit in our house.  The girls are finger painting their letter "E' worksheets. 

 Every Thursday we do show n tell for the letter that week.  This week for Letter "F" the kids brought fruit to make a fruit salad.  They loved being big helpers and cut up the bananas. 

 & The Fruit Salad was  A big Hit!!!
This is our "Wish you well" Box that we made back in August.  As you can tell all of the sequence has came off, but we don't care.  All of the kids brought a picture of their family from home and we sing a song to Wish our family well, and than say a prayer to protect our families throughout the day.  The kids love to show their family pictures to the other kids.  This is one of their favorite parts of our mornings.  
Here is the song that we sing:
"We wish you well, We wish you well, All through the day We wish you well."  Then we go through each child's name and wish their family well.  

Have a great Week!! 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Doctor Kit Craft and What We are all ABOUT!!

This week we focused on the Letter D.  
I found this adorable craft from Homeschool Creations that went perfect for our letter of the week.
I had everything cut out for them and they glued everything together.  Then I went through my first aid kit and pulled out everything that looked kid friendly for them to tape into their doctor kits.  They LOVED them and were super excited to take them home to doctor on their animals and dollies!!

We use our Letter Builders all the time.
 I found these dot-to-dot printables for free at Confessions of a Homeschooler's blog.
 I Love these girls!! I told them to make silly faces for their picture.  They are Such a Blast to be around! Makes my job easy.
I love to use our number sheet printable.  We use different things to count,  today we used pom poms. You can find this printable also at  Confessions of a Homeschooler.

 OUR LISTENING EARS from Jumping Kangaroos Curriculum.
We just finished our first month with this curriculum.  Everyday, there is something different and new for the kids to learn.  I am so impressed with what the kids have learned in just one month.  Thanks to all my parents for supporting their kids and helping us make this work!!   Its so exciting to watch them grow and learn, and I get to be a part of that.  Makes my heart smile!

Jumping Kangaroos

We have started off to a great start!! I am so excited about this year.  I have great kiddos and love to watch them grow and learn.  I made this blog to give other mom's some fun, creative learning ideas for your child.  I hope you enjoy reading and getting new ideas throughout this year. 

Love, Jess